Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What if?

What if...

Someone got the brilliant idea to show, for once and for all, what has been fact and what was fairytale from the past decade?

What if...

There was a video, along with substantial evidentiary documentation such as photos, letters, objects that would show that there was no involvement of one terror group in all these terror incidents of the past decade.

What if...

There was serious confirmation that the one that “died” over the weekend, which by the way was Walpurgisnacht, the highest day in the witches and “enlightened” ones, calendars?

I’d imagine it going like this...

Dear governments of the many who believed the fairy tales, this is how it has really been these last years.

Remember that in 2001 there was no credit taken for that most horrific attack in New York? Bin Ladin said he didn’t do it. Even the FBI of the US didn’t credit us with the attacks because for all that the one was wanted for, there was never a listing of that horrible event posted in any FBI Most Wanted Listings.

We in Al Quaeda really didn’t do 7/7 either. We couldn’t get the explosives, and our representatives actually missed their trains and planes to get to London. Nope, that was not us.

The videos? We let the US post the false videos, but have been looking far and wide for the body doubles that were used for such stunning political effect. After all, keeping up appearances has been so effective in destroying our enemies economically, and that is a more effective weapon than any gun or bomb could ever be.

By the by, we didn’t do Madrid either. We were thinking about it, and we were approached by others who alleged they would be with us, but we weren’t interested in amking a more warlike government anywhere.

In truth, the death notices of December 2001 were true.

Or not. Maybe Benazir Bhutto was right, and Bin Laden was murdered in 2003.

But, considering the virtually total silence, I have a scathingly brilliant idea. What if Al Quaeda put out a bunch of photos, videos and records showing Bin Ladin really did die in 2001.

They could explain their taking bows and all the high fiving everywhere and anywhere as a tactic to get their enemies to bankrupt their own nations seeking a bad guy who was never even charged with 911, and not heard from since about that date.

They could say what they wanted was an economic war. They wanted a war where the war would cause the invading nations to bankrupt and destroy themselves, ruin their civil rights, destroy their economies, and spend, spend, spend baby spend.

And, they could go around and apologize to the recent recruits, all while taking those bows and high fives, because, honest to God, err...honest to Allah, it was the most effective way to fight a nation they could never match in terms of firepower. Afghanistan is where Empires go to die, and we’re doing a cracker job of it with all the troops, equipment and hunting down of an enemy that was a construct of the CIA, the press, and some early finger-pointing on the morning of 9-11.

All those Rumsfeldian constructs about caves and missile bays, complete with ventilation systems, elaborate connections and tunnels?

Naaah. Not a bit of Bin Laden there. Just the nightmare of the Secretary of Defense with far too much time on his hands, or too many late night pepperoni pizzas.

We are spending at least 2 Billion$ every week for a war on a tactic, with the Commander in Chief off the battlefield for almost a decade until he was killed while fighting back, or not, or who had died in 2001.

Think about it. How to make the fool of us all. We believed the MSM lies. We continue to believe the MSM lies. Its’ about time for an attack of the truth on both sides.

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