Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mayans Were Kidding, End of World Was Error. Sorry about that--Not.

"But of course, dahling. There never was an end of the world plot, a calendar, or even prediction. Nevah! I tell you, all those simpletons. Get rid of the white robed, white bearded guy with that tattered sign, he's cluttering the footpath."  The voice was husky, low and sensual.  It emerged somewhere between feather boa and an astounding amount of silk charmeuse, draped over a chaise lounge, just enough in the weak sunlight to make her silvery curls glow like moonlight over the Mediterranean.

She actually said it as "foooot-paahthhh".

But that was Crazy Aunt Eleanor.  I love Crazy Aunt Eleanor.  No relation to Crazy Uncle Franklin, and still not found in any White House gallery.   But she should be.  She's the original American free spirit, which is fun, and not too dangerous.  Except when her ideas cut one down to size.  Or, when she discusses fake patriots.

She reads Reuters, and my friends often still read Huffington Post. So, here's the link...

Crazy Aunt aside, all the hoopla was just because they ran out of calculations.  Sort of the Millenia's old version of the battery died in the calculator.   And, boy oh boy, did we fall for that one. 

Now, we aren't too sure about the unknown planet, or the asteroid, or even the possiblity of many and sundry sattellites crashing in and setting off WWIII, while cooler heads try to show its space junk, not the crazy --- (insert name of country here)---.   Make sure Al Haig isn't creeping about, trying to wrest control of the White House from whatever occupant might be napping at the time.  While you're at it, keep the button hungry fingers away from the football.  Not the Super Bowl one, but the one that should be next to the leader of what remains of the free world, and which leader is not an alum of Goldman Sachs.

In the meantime, relish in this.  We have been granted time.  We have been given hope and time enough to rid ourselves of technocrats intent on keeping the Fascism alive.  After all, the Nazi's didn't lose WWII, they just moved, one paper clip at a time, to a new venue.  We have governments so entangled with bankers and corporate leaders that the two have become one, and the Fascia at the Rostrum of the House is naught but a cruel, demonstrative joke.  I'm still looking for the name of the guy that thought Fascia were a good idea right there in the Well.  It's been our downfall ever since.

Well, that and the bankers that own the government.

And, as you're enjoying the meantime, have a martooni, shaken not stirred.  It makes a weaker drink, but you have more of them in the course of an evening without getting so drunk that you confuse the balding septuagenarian for James Bond.

Spice up the meantime, that extra time you've gained.  Get yourself onto a letter writing campaign, and demand that we the People get our fair share of our government working for us, and not for the politicians, of the politicians, and with the corporatists.  Demand the Technocrats in Europe give the people honest elections.  Demand our leaders stop criticizing others, like Russia, and fix our own stolen election syndrome.

Demand of all political parties, that they put up the very best people, not the most monied, not the most made, not the most controllable by the corporatists.   Do we really think that our nation has had the very best leaders over the past 50 years?  Really?

Get rid of those that are riding on the coattails of leaders who blithely proclaim that "if the American people knew what the Bush family had done to the US, we'd be run out of town on a rail."  That was George HW Bush to Sarah McClendon.  There are several quotes, but that is the one I remember best.

Finally, as you are relishing in the longer meantime you now have, go out and get yourself going on a project that might take more than a year to complete.  Like college.  Like learning the piano.  Like learning how to draw.  Really.  Then hug a kid, and think of this.  I can give a prayer of thanks, for the time, the gift of  time.  The world is not ending.  I can plant a tree, love a child and enjoy the faith that only if I do all the things needed to make this a better world will having the world hang on beyond 2012, will that extra time mean anything at all.

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