Not in my name, they didn't.
You might want to comfort yourself with that thought. Yet, the truth is, they really did do it, we consented to it, and it was done in our name.
Not in my name, is reduced to a noble thought that is absolutely of no use whatsoever. The deed has been done. That vote back in 2001 began it in earnest, followed by other votes on other bills, each eating more away than the last one. It's been like Pack-Man devouring bits and bytes on a screen, only this version is literally dissolving the Constitution like sulfuric acid dissolves the vellum it was written on. We don't need the archives any longer. Shut down that display at the Library of Congress, empty the cases. Remove the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. From Patriot Acts to the recent NDAA, it's been a well planned, devastatingly effective murder and dismantling of the very fabric of what is America.
They are dead, dissolved and damaged beyond repair.
We did it. Ourselves. With malice aforethought.
It was murder most foul.
The real pity is, we don't need Sherlock Holmes to show us when or where this murder happened. It was right there on the TeeVee Machine. It was promised in political flyers. We guaranteed it by demanding more and more 'action' from our dissolute representatives in Washington, with every step pushing us ever downward, literally off the cliff.
Those that seek curtailment of liberty in the vain hope of increased security will get neither. We got it. We wanted neither, and that's what we have. Speakers of English will recognize that "neither" is not a thing to be held close, loved, or bragged about. It is nihilistic. It is nothing. No thing.
Funeral services were not held for the death of liberty and the guardian of that liberty that we once called the Bill of Rights. Specifically, when we suspended the Fourth and Sixth Amendments, we kissed liberty goodbye. But, we would be safer from the terrorists.
Remember, you are 1000 times more likely to perish in an auto accident, be bumped off by your spouse, or die of peanut stuck in your airway than you are to die of terrorism. Except perhaps when the terrorist is a law enforcement type, "just following orders."
Remember when Habeas Corpus, which has never legally been suspended since the founding of the government was done away with in the Warner Act that funded the military excursions in Iraq and Afghanistan? That suspension was not complete, so just last week, they gave it another whack and this time, as effectively as the Valentine's Day Massacre boys whacked eachother in Gangster Chicago, the death blow was voted on, nearly unanimously, just last week. President Hope and Change, after promising never to sign such draconian and unconstitutional laws, and even promising to veto this recent atrocity, had a change of heart. He committed real change.
He changed the Constitution from living to flatline, promising a signature that will make all those oath taking, protectors of the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic, absolutely giddy with their success.
They did protect the Constitution indeed. The thing is, we don't know what constitution they promised to protect and defend, because the one that was adopted in 1787 has been totally destroyed. Perhaps DHS or TSA has a "secret" constitution that only government insiders know about, and that only benefits the insiders, no matter what is going on in the rest of the country. After all, how else could these upper echelon, power mad, oligarchs remain in control to teh point where almost half of Americans are in poverty, and the top 40 of the "top of the heap" control half the wealth of the bottom 150,000,000.
Let that sink in. Money is power. The top 40 individuals/families, the top of the top One Percent, control HALF the wealth, or an amount equal to the bottom half of the American populace.
And now, if we gather to protest this fact, we could be labeled as "terrorists" because the simple discourteous action of protesting the inequality of this nation is enough to get you labeled a destroyer of the great and the good. Once labeled a terrorist, it's indefinite detention, as in forever, based on secret testimony, secret evidence, and secret proceedings. It's enough to make a Gulag Commissar, or Gestapo Commandant blush.
With envy.
I suppose there ought to be a funeral service. Unfortunately, silence from the Presstitutes and Mainstream Lamestream Media, has meant most Americans are totally, possibly blissfully unaware of the evil that has been done to us in our own name. If there is a funeral, the time and location to be announced at some future date. If such a gathering would be allowed at all.
After all, we now need a permit to gather, hold a sign, make a statement, or express an independent thought. The trick is to get that permit from the very people that swore to uphold the Constitution they just murdered. Plus, no one wants to be thrown into indefinite detention before a holiday, so it will be even more difficult to avoid arrest, tasers, rubber bullets, sound wave weapons, shackles, pepper spray, or disappearance if, upon gathering together, we call out the evil that has just been forced upon us.
An aside...with all this Constitution killing, there's been a run on tissues to mop up the tears of those who are aware of this travesty. Which will, indeed, benefit the top of the top again. At least that sort of economic activity shows conscience, empathy and legitimate sorrow for what we have lost.
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