Sunday, August 22, 2010

Alice, That Rabbit Hole Is Getting Crowded or, Unwell Orwell

The Atlantic published an article on the subject of Genetically Modified Organisms that become the very food on your table, and the labeling requirements of the FDA.

People understandably want to know lots of information about their food. Information such as Organic or Conventionally Produced.  People also want to know if there are pesticides in the food, and some want to know if the food they eat is from GMO sources.  Those GMO sources include genetically modified foods that have incorporated animal, fish or bacterial genes, the ability  to make pesticides and herbicides within the very cells of the food, including the food that you put into your stomach.  Some people just want to know if the corn on the cob they are eating at the Labor Day Picnic will be cranking out Monsanto Roundup (Reg. TMs of Monsanto), or not.

But this is what the Atlantic wrote.

Months ago there was the appointment of big-time GM/GE advocate (and former Monsanto lobbyist) Islam Siddiqui to Office of the United States Trade Representative as the country's chief agricultural negotiator . Now comes a position paper from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that opposes labeling for genetically modified food. The U.S. claims that letting consumers know whether or not food contains GM/GE products is "false, misleading, or deceptive."

You read that correctly. In Obama Newspeak, telling the public the truth is false, misleading, or deceptive, while concealing facts is not. Incidentally, the language is identical to that used by previous administrations. How's that for change? Atlantic

So, full labeling is misleading to people that want full labeling.

Change? I think not.

Alice, step aside. We've fallen totally into that rabbit hole.

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