"For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support." George Washington
Oh that pesky Mosque!
Some devout Christian people are running around like the nation is bound to turn into a Sharia law nation, despite the overwhelming number of Christians here and the clear Constitutional restrictions on any religion running this nation.
Some politicians are saying the mosque shouldn't be built, because it is a tough election year. That is a sure sign of how tightly the moral and democratic principles that undergird our Constitution are held by them.
Others are saying that, in principle, they have nothing against those Muslim people, but come on, Ground Zero? Just too much for a nation to take, even blocks away from the former WTC site.
It is time for a reality check.
The values this nation holds dear will only change if the people allow those values to change.
In the First Amendment, there shall be no law made prohibiting the free exercise of any religion by any coreligionists. Period. that means that government here cannot restrict the Methodists, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Catholics, the Jewish (whether Orthodox, Conservative, or otherwise), or even Muslims from practicing their faith. And practicing faith requires a place for that practice, such as a sanctuary, a building, a synagogue, a room, a center, a parish house, or whatever -- makes it possible for members of the faith to come together in corporate worship of the deity, god, God, or Supreme Being, no matter how the subject of worship is defined.
Others have claimed that any mosque in NYC that is close to the WTC will be used as training ground for making more terrorists. Think back to before 911. None, not a one, of the alleged hijackers were trained within spitting distance of the WTC. Most received their training in other places, including that most notorious 'architect' of the whole day of horrors, who got his training in the buckle of the Bible Belt, aka Minnesota.
The reality is this. Any building, of any description, in any location, can be used as a training ground for any group. One can even take ground school for flight training in any third floor walk up, through the magic of computer programs for training. Similarly, one can learn any language in any location. One can also study peace in any location. And peace is what this mosque is going to be about. You can be certain of that.
The WTC area mosque will be preaching peace, cooperation, respect for others of any religion, and means and methods to assist people in coming together to solve their problems through discussion and understanding. This mosque and community center will be watched by everyone. There will be nothing done in that building that won't be known on the outside, and that is a good thing. We need to hear more about peace from all people. The Imam who is associated with the project has a history of preaching peace. Islam also has a history of respect for people of the Book and people that worship Christ.
After all the attention that has been given this project, the neighbors will also be watching. Eventually, reality will settle in, and the watching won't be so obvious. As a community center, there will be outreach into the community, and as a part of the surrounding community, it is pretty clear that the Cordoba Mosque will have to be very open, because that is what their mission is about. Openness to the community is what community centers are.
By definition.
So, my suggestion to all who are so upset about the WTC area mosque is this. Ask, request, and if necessary to soothe your own ruffled feathers, demand (but be aware the demand statement will only help label you as a person seeking governmental repression of Muslims in a certain part of the USA under the US Constitution), openness. Request the Cordoba Center also be open for many community services, such as support groups to assist addicts and their families, arts programs for children of any faith, activities for seniors of any faith, continuing education programs about local history, literacy programs and so on.
Ask the Cordoba Center to open its doors for prayer meetings where people can gather, from any faith, and openly pray for peace.
By ensuring the doors are open to all, and ensuring the community center is not just a gathering place behind closed doors as are so many secret societies, such as Skull and Bones, or even the Masonic Lodges, the understanding sought by the builders of this mosque and community center will be assured.
John F. Kennedy said that America is naturally opposed to closed societies and secrecy. We are a society that values openness in all organizations because openness increases trust. Most Americans know precious little about Islam, except what they hear in the news or read in the papers. And what they were told in the run-up to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Even our then President didn't know the difference between Sunni and Shiite in Iraq, and we all are still paying for that disastrous war of choice.
Too many Americans are still operating on the Us or Them, pick a side, politics. It goes double for religion, because we all tend to believe our own religion is the one, true and perfect faith. When the Cordoba Center is built, openness and welcoming the entire population of persons of good will to participate in its programs, will go far to making Islam welcome everywhere, even near a former center, emblematic of all moneymaking, banking, stock brokering, and commerce.
As for allowing the Cordoba Center to be a foothold into converting the US into a Muslim nation? You have to be kidding. The only way to make the US into a Sharia law nation, is to have all of us ignore the very bedrock of our Constitutional freedoms. That would be the First Amendment rights, which is the constitutional amendment upon which all other rights depend, relate or are affected by, based upon our long legal and judicial history.
Do not let the shrill voices demanding the Cordoba Center be banned sway you. The only effect that will come from our openly learning about adn living with Muslims, 99.99999 percent of which are people of peace, will be more peaceful relations among people in all places. Even in New York. The fact that the Cordoba Center is in the heart of New York, and has attracted so much attention, will ensure it receives more attention in the future for its good works. And if the works of that center turn out to be detrimental to any group or people, the good people of New York will arise as one in protest, a protest that will likely include Muslims of good heart and peaceful demeanor. That protest will then limit bad acts or ill intent, if any, are even contemplated.
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