Global Warming.
Global Climate Change.
Human Induced Climate Change.
Too Much Guck in the Air Makes Warmth.
Global Weather Getting Really Weird.
If you're going to start a blog, start big. Big issues. Issues that are, or aren't reality based.
Let's start on a biggie. Global Climate Change is the new moniker for what has been touted as the effect end of change induced by the industrialization of the world. Carbon dioxide is the current culprit, although I think the real culprit is money. Climate change may not be real, but there is a real reality. Industry spews forth pollution, which may or may not affect weather as it fouls the air.
So, there are two competing problems. We have too much junk coming out of smokestacks, tailpipes and chimneys. Agreed. We also have too much of that junk being carbon dioxide, which is making the planet into a giant greenhouse, and causing the land and oceans to warm. Not so clear on that particular effect.
The way out is for a global system to be put into place where the rich nations pay through their collective noses, for the reason that they have in the past, had industry that polluted and made all that carbon float around 'up there' which makes the planet warm.
Some say it's the smoke, some say it is the effect of the activity on the Sun. Sunspots affect warmth that goes from Sun to planet, which has meant in the past couple of decades, planets without any known carbon-burning industry are also getting warmer.
So, which is it? And what should we do about it?
There are papers and videos on both sides. John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, had this to say. Check out: Al Gore Sued by 30,000 Scientists for Global Climate Change Fraud
Then again, the National Geographic has this to say: National Geographic on Climate Change
Recent videos also show points that do not point to carbon dioxide based climate change. Climate Change Air Con
There are inconvenient truths on both sides. Yet the question must be asked, which is the good science? which facts are true facts, and which facts are merely propaganda?
There are some among us looking forward to the next Ice Age, or more likely, Mini-Ice Age. That would put us back into the cooler climes of the Middle Ages to the early 1800s. Cooling is Coming
I could link sites until the cows come home, and beyond. This is not a simple question I have asked.
But, in all of this is another question. Even if Climate Change isn't happening, shouldn't we clean up what comes out of industries, cars and smokestacks, so as to keep the air from being polluted in general?
Probably yes.
Is it an inconvenient truth that the Sun's activity changes, making planets like Mars, Jupiter and Uranus, none of which are covered in factories making cars or furniture, just happened to coincide with the Industrial Revolution? And, if that coincidence is all that is going on, climate change wise that is, then isn't it a better thing to prevent all the other junk factories produce from fouling the air? That wouldn't be a problem that cannot be solved by purchasing a swap, such as is being proposed with the carbon swaps.
Applying bad science to the wrong problem is not the way to achieve a good result that makes sense. CO2 pumping into the atmosphere, while a problem, might not be the problem that made the temperatures around the world go up, and up, and up.
Well, that's the question. Check back for updates, but do check back.
And remember, we can get all sorts of answers to questions, but if those answers are to the wrong questions, the policy we make will be fatally flawed.
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