Monday, August 16, 2010

Some Days Are Just Some Days

The house looks no better than it did the first day you moved in, and you've still got the same boxes, some half unpacked, to prove it.

The cat is threatening to go on strike if there isn't a really big change really soon.

You find said feline moving the vacuum from the closet to the center of the living room.

You notice little notes written in the dust on top of the piano.

And, to cap it off, you know you had a book that was overdue at the library, and it's now disappeared for the fifth time in two weeks.

The laundry is about the height of Mount Everest, and the hamper has three trash bags of dirty stuff waiting for a wash.

The kitchen sink remains full of the same dishes that were there a week ago.

And now, you find this note on the fridge.

I didn't know the cat knew how to operate the camera,
print the pics, and still he managed to tape it to the door!

Okay, I get the hint.  Time to clean up the joint. 

Thanks to for the fun with cats.  They really are better than television.

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