Friday, August 13, 2010


This is a new blog designed for you, the reader, to think about matters that affect us in our communities, our states, regions, nations and the world at large.

Issues that will be discussed here will include the deadly duo -- politics and religion.

And, we'll discuss matters of health, eating, customs, traditions, the weather, future plans and industry.  We'll touch on business, education and the news.  Matters that matter to you will be fair game for discussion.

Here are the rules, which are few and pretty simple. 

First, and most important is this.  You MUST be polite.

Everyone will be welcome here, and there are no age limits.  Yet.  If you want to start a topic, email the Administrators, and it will happen. 

Comments will be posted after the blog post that they reference. 

If you are making a comment, please feel free to link to pictures, videos, articles published elsewhere.  If you are quoting, you must include attribution.  This is not negotiable.  And, if you are quoting, please keep the quotes as small as possible to avoid copyright infringement.

Finally, when you post here, please include a way to get back to you by using the same identity for all posts on this blog.  If your name on your drivers license is not Anonymous, don't use it here.

Plus, according to many historians, Anonymous was a woman.  So, keep that in mind too.  (That woman thing was a popular bit of graffiti in the late 60s and early 70s, so there is no attribution possible, except if you go to the Student Union building at the University of Minnesota, you can find it on the walls of the restrooms located nearest the streets leading to the Medical Center.  That is, if the various rounds of redecorating haven't taken all that ancient graffiti out by now. 

So, let's get going.  Let's add in our voices to the conversation. 

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